Akileïne Sports Sanzo Washing Lotion
For camping, hiking, trekking, trails etc. Sanzo is the ideal solution to stay clean. Get rid of perspiration tracks after sport or stains of sludge, sap, tar etc. No water is needed, it cleans and asepticizes with a discreet fragrance.
Complex of essential oils (Lavender, Lemon, Thyme and Rosemary) have asepticizing, toning and perfuming properties.
Extracted from palm and coconut oils, Plant Glycerine softens and maintains the natural balance of the skin.
- Use to clean and sterilize hands
- No water needed, no rinsing
- Asepticizes and perfumes
- Use on hands and body
- Pleasant and discreet fragrance
Pour Sanzo into the palm of the hand and apply to the skin. Wipe dry using a sponge towel.